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 Ugadi [ Telugu New Year ]  
Ugadi - Telugu New Year   29-Mar-2017
All Ugadi Pooja Orders received after 5:00 PM (IST) 28-Mar, 2017 cannot be executed on Ugadi Pooja Day (29-Mar-2017). Instead Pooja will be performed on the date selected by you and Prasadam will be sent to you.

    Ugadi marks the beginning of the Telugu New Year. It also brings happiness with the onset of Vasanth Ruthu (spring). Ugadi name has been changed from Yuga Aadi (Yuga + Aadi means beginning of New age). It is believed that the creator of the Hindu pantheon Lord Brahma started creation on this day - Chaithra Shuddha Prathipade or the Ugadi day. It is the most important festival for Hindus, which falls on Chaitra Shuddha Prathipade (Padya). According to Hindu myths, Lord Brahma created the earth and set days, nights, dates, weeks, fortnights, months, seasons, and years to count the time.

    During Ramayana period, the New Year was being celebrated on the first day of Uttharayana. So, Chaitra was the 12th month. Varahamihira, a saint who lived in sixth century, started a new method of celebrating New Year on Chaitra Shuddha Prathipade. Ugadi marks the beginning of a new Hindu lunar calendar with a change in the moon's orbit. It is a day when mantras are chanted and predictions made for the new year.

Ugadi (Telugu New Year) Special Pooja Package (3 Temples) Pooja / Archana Cost US$ 25.00 #
  Kanaga Durga Devi Temple
  Location - Vijayawada
  Deity - Kanaga Durga
  Kalahasti Nathar Temple
  Location - Kalahasti
  Deity - Kalahastinathar
  Ashta Lakshmi Temple
  Location - Beasant Nagar, Chennai
  Deity - Lakshmi
Perform Ugadi Pooja Package

US$ 25.00 #

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Pooja / Archana Details
# Name Nakshtram Gothram

If you wish the Archana to be performed in God's name, do not fill in the name and Nakshatram.

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** Telephone number, if available must be provided to help us in locating the recipient accurately and also scheduling the delivery according to the convenience of the recipient.
# The Cost indicated is not the actual cost that the temple(s) charges for an Pooja/Archana. It includes our Service Charges.
1. Poojas will be performed by our agents in different cities and the Prasadam will be sent to our office from where it will be dispatched to you. Prasadams will reach you within ten days from the Pooja date.
2. Great Efforts will be taken to perform the Pooja/Archana in the Name and Nakshatram of your choice. But there are occasions when poojas cannot be performed in individual names because of the crowd. In such cases poojas will be performed in God's Name
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