Ramayana |
An arrogant man is often as good as blind. He scorns his foes and discounts their strengths. His arrogance prevents him from seeing his own weaknesses and sealing them against probing by the enemy. |
Mahabharata |
A sane man becomes adamant during a game of dice. |
Upanishads |
Though immobile, the spirit traverses great distances in time and space. |
Hinduism |
The eye is not the sight. It is only an instrument of sight. |
Universal Prayers - From Vedas |
Thou art the most glorious cosmic Being with innumerable feet, hands and eyes. Thou art the supporter of the world of beings and of the earth with the mountains. |
Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram |
Salutations to Him who sees objects through all eyes. |
Sri Lalita Sahasranama |
Om mantriny amba - viracita - visanga - vadha - tositayai namah. Salutations to Her who feels satisfication at the destruction of Visanga by Her chief minister Syamala. |
Sivananda Lahari - Of Sri Sankaracarya |
I worship Nilakantha, the blue-throated Siva, the peacock (also blue-throated) that excels by His beautiful dance, having the time of dusk as the close of summer (i.e, the beginning of rainy season when peacocks dance), the sound of drum beaten by Visnu's hand as thunder peals, the eyes of the celestials as lightning, the blissful tears of devotees as rain, and the Divine Mother Parvati as the peahen. |
Siva Sahasranama Stotram |
The Enjoyer. Om prabhave namah Siva as Conscience records all enjoyments. |
Quotations from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry) |
Nothing can be done except through the force of the Mother. |