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List Of Shiva Lingas (32)
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Gandha Lingam
Pushpa Lingam
Gosakru Lingam
Valuka Lingam
Yavagodhumasalija Lingam
Sitakhanda Lingam
Lavana Lingam
Tilapista Lingam
Bhamsa Lingam
Guda Lingam Or Sita Lingam
Vamsankura Lingam
Pishta Lingam
Dhadhidhugdha Lingam
Dhanya Lingam
Phala Lingam
Dhatri Lingam
Navanita Lingam
Durvakadaja Lingam Or Garika Lingam
Karpura Lingam
Ayaskanta Lingam
Mouktika Lingam
Suvarana Lingam
Rajita Lingam
Pittala Lingam Or Kamsya Lingam
Trapu Lingam
Ayasa Lingam
Seesa Lingam
Ashtadhtu Lingam
Aahtaloha Lingam
Vaidurya Lingam
Spatika Lingam
Padara Lingam

Gandha Lingam
It is made of three ingredients -- four parts of sandal paste, three parts of kumkumam and two parts of musk. Size determines the quantity and cost to be put in, but the ratio remains constant. If worship is made to that sandal paste lingam, one gets blessed with Sivasayujyamukti - merging of his jivatma into the Paramatma. Then the cycle of birth after death comes to dead end.
Pushpa Lingam
This is made of various kinds of fresh, fragrant, multi-coloured pleasant flowers. It blesses the adorer with kingship and acquisition of lands.
Gosakru Lingam
It is made of the dung of brown coloured cow. The adorer will be blessed with wealth, if he worships that lingam.
Valuka Lingam
It is made of fine sand and the worship confers the status of Vidhyadhara, belonging to one of the denominations of worshipful angels, besides Sivasayujyaprapti.
Yavagodhumasalija Lingam
It is made of rice, maize and wheat flour, and if adored, it confers santanaprapti in addition to wealth..
Sitakhanda Lingam
It is made of sugar candy and blesses the adorer with robust health and disease free easeful life.
Lavana Lingam
It is made of salt mixed with the powder of Hartal and Trikatukala. It blesses the adorer with Vasikaranasakti -- the power that subdues other with the help of spells and charms.
Tilapista Lingam
It is made with the paste of gingili seeds. The desires of the adorer are fulfilled, if worshipped.
Bhamsa Lingam
It is made of ash and confers all desirable merits.
Guda Lingam Or Sita Lingam
It is made of jaggery or sugar and confers blissful life when adored.
Vamsankura Lingam
It is made of the tender leaves of bamboo, and confers a long line of genealogy.
Pishta Lingam
It is made of rice flour and blesses the adorer with education.
Dhadhidhugdha Lingam
It is made of milk and curd, on separating the entire quantity of water, and blesses the adorer with property and happiness.
Dhanya Lingam
It is made of grain and blesses bumper crops to the adorer.
Phala Lingam
It is made of fruits and blesses the owner of orchards with good crops of fruits.
Dhatri Lingam
It is made of a kind of acid fruit – phyllanthus Emblica and bestows liberation.
Navanita Lingam
It is made of butter and confers fame and wealth.
Durvakadaja Lingam Or Garika Lingam
It is made of a kind of grass – agrostis linaries and saves the adorer from untimely or accidental death.
Karpura Lingam
It is made of camphor and bestows emancipation.
Ayaskanta Lingam
It is made of magnet and confers siddhi – super natural powers.
Mouktika Lingam
It is made of the ashes obtained by burning pearls and confers auspiciousness and fortune.
Suvarana Lingam
It is made of gold and confers mukti -- deliverance of soul from body.
Rajita Lingam
It is made of silver and confers fortune.
Pittala Lingam Or Kamsya Lingam
It is made of an alloy of brass and bell metal and confers the release of soul from body.
Trapu Lingam
It is made of tagara metal and makes one’s life free from enemies, if adored.
Ayasa Lingam
It is made of vitroil of sulphate and relieves one from the menace of enemies.
Seesa Lingam
It is made of lead and makes the adorer invulnerable to foes.
Ashtadhtu Lingam
It is made of minerals and bestows sarvasiddi – all super natural powers.
Aahtaloha Lingam
It is made of eight metals and cures one of the leprosy.
Vaidurya Lingam
It is made of a precious stone called vaidurya – lapis and protects one from the enemy’s arrogant prattle.
Spatika Lingam
It is made of crystal and bestows fulfilment of all desires.
Padara Lingam
It is made of mercury and bestows inestimable fortune.

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